I like to write about the video games I play, and very time I finish reading a book I make myself write a review. But Running is a big part of my life, so maybe I should start writing about that. So here goes.
Actually, I used to keep an exercise journal, and that was mostly running. But I’m not the sort of person who keeps up with things. I’m kind of forcing myself here, to be honest. A momentum thing- in as much as gaming, and reading, and running define the bulk of my free time interests, my first out of all them is writing. So, rather than choose one of those over the discipline of putting words on the page, I’m trying to a new paradigm- enjoying things more by writing about them. A win-win, if I can make it work.
So far so good, as they say. I’ve been writing book reviews since at least 2007,, and video-game blogging for almost two years (off and on, but more frequently these last two months). It would be great if writing about running became a habit.
I’ve said it a thousand times, might as well say it again: I’m inspired by materials. I started writing reviews because Goodreads gave me a place to do so, and I started video-game blogging thanks to a new website called Anook. I did try to blog about running, for a bit, at Runner’s World, but that was more about running in general, whereas here I just want to write about the run I just did. That’s a different kind of material to be inspired by- I’ve tried video games just so I have something to write about, and I’ve to try new running routes or races just to keep a blog going.
I use the word “blog,” because I post this stuff online for anyone to read, but really, this is journaling, this is diary-keeping. So be it. And I rarely, if ever, go back and read what I’ve read before. There’s some kind of philosophy there (or psychology), what it means to the reality of an experience to have written about it. I mean, maybe. I’m not sure.
All I know is, I love to run, and I love to write, and I’m going to start making an effort to have those loves augment one another. As experiments go, if it’s successful, I’ll probably get all excited and start blogging about the funny things my nine-month-old son does.