I’ve been playing Blizzard’s massively multiplayer role playing game World of Warcraft on an off since its launch. Recently came off an off of more than a year, not too very long after the Battle for Azeroth expansion launched. I was burnt-out. I had been playing way too much up to the launch, trying to level one of every class type to the max.
That was not a wise thing to do.
If anything, I should have been playing way WAY less before the launch. So that the new content had a chance to feel, you know, new. Instead, I was still in the grip of that “must get levels as fast as possible!” mentality, trying to force my main character to the top with all (un)due haste.
A new expansion has been announced, and I’ve recently started playing again. Blizzard has decided to give everyone an xp boost for the time being, so I decided, why not, let’s start a brand new character and get her to the top as quickly as I can. Old habits die hard, right?
Thanks to the boost, though, it went really really fast, and after just a week or so, she’s already at level 120. Yeehah. But I’m not burnt out yet, because it all felt fresh after a year off. Hooray for me.
Right before I quit (in 2018!) I was playing a Blood Elf Affliction Warlock running around a desert. As of this writing, I am in the middle of a haunted forest, playing a Human Destruction Warlock. Different environment, different faction, different aspect. This haunted forest is a lot of fun.
I keep saying to myself, if only I’d been playing in the forest, and not the desert, I might not have quit. What I should be telling myself is that I, thankfully, didn’t get burnt out in the middle of this cool forest.
Why am I telling you this? I dunno. The WoW servers are down right now for maintenance, and I have to do something… also, whenever I’m into WoW, reading and writing come to a halt.
So I need to take advantage of these opportunities to not play (again). I guess.