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Another two-day set of pages. Sunday was boring and Monday was barely better. Not that I’m com
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My running map went off the page— oh well. That “shocked” face looks silly. The Mo
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Pon Pon Pon, is Japanese for WTF I think. Templeton Rye is now available in Seattle! Amy’s Vie
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I liked that awaken! font so I stole it (via my wife’s cousin’s cousin-from-anotha-grand
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Checkout Monday! Was going to call it “lame,” but negative self-judgement is too often u
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Whoa, a crooked scan. Ah well. I kinda like that sad face down there. And the graphical nature of th
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See a font, like it: that’s how they drew “Palo Alto” on the chalkboard at Hobee
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Visiting in-laws in Los Altos. I like these pages. I did a quick free-hand sketch, drew some logos/f
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A nice couple if busy pages here. A map, some logos, some fonts, some free-hand stuff. Virgin Americ
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The wife wanted to give me a todo list, even though that’s not what this book is for. I ration
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